筠恩(Fiona) &裕程(Justin) 年齡

Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers

2008年9月1日 星期一

Shimen Reservoir

Weekend Getaway~~Taking a day off~~
Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008

First Stop: Shimen Reservoir

Kent& Winnie

The whole Tseng family (with two babies inside my big belly)

Second Stop: 第三航廈 (可以看到長榮停機坪的迷你民宿咖啡館)

有台飛機正好降落了~~~ Landing~~

2nd floor of the coffee shop.

Winnie is holding her favorite stuffed animal-吉利, the mouse.

Evergreen airplanes

Mini bar~~

Outside the coffee shop
